Want to reuse existing view from one list/library and copy iy to other list/library.
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Create a new document library called Documents in site 1. Create new view called SourceView with all the columns in it.
Step 2: Create a new document library called Documents in site 2.
Step 3: Open Site 1 in SharePoint designer and navigate to Documents and open Forms folder. Here you will notice SourceView.aspx. Double click and open the page.
Step 4: Open Site 2 in another instance of SharePoint designer and navigate to Documents/Forms folder. Right click and create new aspx page. Name it MyView.aspx.
Step 5: Copy all the content from "SourceView.aspx" opened in
step 3 paste it in "MyView.aspx" page.
Step 6: Now replace GUID of source Documents library with destination Documents library GUID.
To get GUID of Site 2 Document library, open Documents library and click Setting, Document library settings.
In the address bar, the URL will have the guid as the last part of the address.
Guid would be the last part of the URL:
Modify the guid to be in the following format:
You are alomost done.
You’ll see a popup informing you that “The URL `Documents/Forms/MyView.aspx’ is invalid.
A workaround for this error is to Save MyView.aspx again with different name in same Forms folder. Say we call it "NewView.aspx".
Step 7: Now open Site2 and navigate to Docuements library and click on views drop down and change the view to "NewView" Now you will see all the columns are automatically created.
I know this is a time consuming but this is one way to do it.