Thursday, January 27, 2011

Playing with Notifications in Tasks lists

One of my user had a requirement in one of their sites. The requirement was, they have a Tasks list where tasks are assigned to members of that site.
First question was: How can a person get notified when a task is assigned to him/her ?
Answer : By default the notification is disabled. To enable it, follow these steps.
Step 1: Open Tasks list in that site.
step 2: Go to Settings (Next to Actions), List Settings.
Step 3: Click on "Advance Settings" link under "General Settings" section.
Step 4: In "E-Mail Notification " section, select "Yes" for "Send e-mail when ownership is assigned?". Leave all other default settings. Click Ok at the bottom of the page.
You are done. Whenever a new task is created and assigned to a person, that person will get notified.
Second Question: When a assigned person changes Task status from "In Progress" to "Completed", how can my boss gets notified ?
Step 1: Open Tasks list in that site.
Step 2: Select Actions, Alert me.
Step 3: Type some Title in "Alert Title" section.
Step 4: In "Send Alerts To" section, type your name. To do this, click on small book icon to the right. This will display a dialog box, type your boss name and click OK. Select name and click Add. you will see your name with an underline.
Step 5: Leave default settings in "Change Type" section.
Step 6: In "Send Alerts for These Changes " section select "A task becomes complete".
Step 7: In "When to Send Alerts " section select "Send e-mail immediately" radio button. And Click Ok.
That's it. You are done. you will get notified when someone changes task status from "In Progress" to "Completed".
You can use the same logic or tweak it a little bit to fit your scenario.
Let me know if you have any questions.

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